Vir Chila Ray (Chilarai) – The Great Warrior

vir chila ray

Chila Ray (Chilaray or Chilarai) was a great warrior who belonged to the Koch Royal Dynasty of Kamtapur / Kamatapur (presently Koch Bihar or Cooch Behar) state. His other names are Shukladhwaj and Sangram Singha. Shukladhwaj played a significant role in expanding the empire of his elder brother, Maharaja Nara Narayan the greatest Koch king of the Kamta or Kamata kingdom who reigned in the 16th century (1534 – 1587AD).

Vivekananda Sarkar

Written by Vivekananda Sarkar

From birth to death of Chilaray including some recent incidents and for convenient in reading with direct link i have divided the present contents into different sections below –

1. Birth of Chila Ray

2. Education of Chila Ray

3. Marriage of Chila Ray

4. Chila Ray and Expansion of Kamta State

5. Chila Ray and Kamta Literature

6. Death of Chila Ray

7. Chila Ray Forts & Recent Incidents

8. Area of Thirst

Ralph Fitch Description

Ralph Fitch the famous British traveller came to eastern part of India during Nara Narayan’s reign. He penned that “I went from Bengala into the country of Couche which Leith 25 days journey northward from Tanda. The King is Gentle, his name is Suckel Counse. His countrey is great and Leith not far from Cauchin China.” Here “Couche” means “Koch” is “Cooch”. Tanda, Tandan or Tanra was a small village of present Malda District. And Bengala means Bangla or Bengal. Suckel Counse means Shukladhwaj. As per his description ”Kuch Behar” journey was most interesting. (Ralph Fitch, 1570- 1583 AD, Page-112)

1. Birth of Chila Ray

Chila Ray was born in 1510 AD (on Maghi Purnima, generally full moon of February month) and his mother was the Gour princess Padmavati alias Soumadini. Among 18 sons of Maharaja Viswa Singha, the founder of Koch Dynasty Chila Ray was 3rd son. His brother names are – Narasingha, Naranarayana (Malladhwaj or Malladev), Gohaikamal or Kamal Narayan, Madan or Maydan, Ramchandra, Sursingha, Harisingha, Mecha, Brishketu, Ramnarayana, Ananta, Dipsingha, Hemdhar, Meghnarayana, Jagat, Rupchand, and Surya. There was an oral story that when Chila Ray was born there was a mild earthquake in the entire Kamata state as well as northeast part of India. Chila Ray was extraordinary in intellect and physical strength from his childhood. Out of 18 brothers elder brother Nara Narayana and Chila Ray was outstanding to expand the kingdom.

As per Darang Rajbangshabali 18 brothers of Chila Ray and their mothers name given on table below –

Sl. No.Name of BrothersMothers NameNative Place of Mothers
2Nara NarayanHemprabhaGour
3Chila RayPadmavatiGour
4Kamal NarayanChandrakantiKamrup
5Madan or MaydanPurnakantiKamrup

As per Gandharbanarayan Bangshabali – Narasingha was son of Prabhabati and Viswa Singha and Nara Narayan and Chila Ray were sons of Sudayi and Viswa Singha

As per court member Ripunjay, Madhumati and Sudayi was wife of King Viswa Singha and Lilavati was his kanyapatri (like concubine, during marriage of king or any royal member if father of bride sent virgin girl as endowment with bride – this is called kanyapatri. The son of kanyapatri may be king if queen has no son). Nara Singha was son of Lilavati and Madhumati had 18 sons. As per Kharganarayan Banshabali only 4 sons name mentioned such as Nara Singha, Nara Narayan, Chila Ray and Kamal Narayan (Gohai Kamal). As per Kabi Durgadas Biswadhatri was mother of Nara Narayan and Shukladhwaj.

2. Education of Chila Ray

Among the 19 sons of Viswa Singha, Nara Singha, Nara Narayana, Chila Ray, Kamal Narayan, Madan, Ramchandra, Hemdhar, Surya and Dipsingha’s name was familier for their own works. But Nara Narayana, Chila Ray, Gohai Kamal and Nara Singha were mostly famous. Both Nara Narayana and Shukladhwaj came to Varanasi and they learned so many things under Guru Brahmananda Bisharad. They gained knowledge in Grammar, Literature, Smriti, Astrology, Shruti, Justice, Settlement, Puran. Both of them were very much expert in all those subjects.

 It was told that Maharaja Viswa Singha decided the destiny of his sons by Gulibat (toss) experiment. The destiny of Rajkumar Nara Singha  was foreign tour as he got gold, Nara Narayan as king of Kamta kingdom because he got earthen thing, Chila Ray got metal thing and his destiny was to become a warrior.

3. Marriage of Chila Ray

After defeat and kill of Shwetdhan, the brother of Pratap Ray Bhuian of Pandu (Presently Panbazar or Paltan bazaar area of Guwahati most probably) by Maharaja Viswa Singha, Pratap Ray given proposal to Viswa Singha for marriage her daughter Bhanumati with Nara Narayan and Chandraprobha (Shetdhan’s daughter) with Shukladhwaj (Chila Ray). As Both sisters were beautiful looking and wise Viswa Singha accepted the proposal. Nara Narayan married Bhanumati Debi and Chila Ray married Chandraprobha Debi.

Chila Ray played key role for giving protection and shelter to Vaishnava Guru Srimanta Shankar Dev and married his niece Kamalapriya (Bhubaneshwari Devi).

It is said that after demolition of Kamakhya temple of Guwahati by Kalapahar, Maharaja Nara Narayan attacked Gaur with his brother and army chief Chila Ray. In this war Nara Narayan get defeated and escaped but Chila Ray get imprisoned by Gaur military. It is said that during escaping Chila Ray on his way prayed for food from a dweller by giving his own introduction. Dweller without providing any hospitality just gave him a ladle of rice which Chila Ray could not accept and left that house. The bonding between Nara Narayan and Chila Ray was greatly defined. During imprisonment of Chila Ray, elder brother and King Nara Narayan did not take food, only milk had been taken. As per Darang Rajbangshabali, when mother of Gaureshwar get bitten by snake Chila Ray took the responsibility for treatment and cured her. As restitution, mother of Gaureshwar addressed Chila Ray her son and released from imprisonment. Not only released him but confered five girls of own clan for marriage with Chila Ray. As a gift of marriage Rajmata of Gaureshwar gave him Baharband, Bhitarband, Sherpur, Dashkahania and Garbari pargana.

4. Chila Ray and Expansion of Kamta state

If we say that Nara Narayan was greatest king of Kamta state then obviously Mahabir Chila Ray was instrumental to expand Nara Narayan’s Kingdom. Shukladhwaj was younger brother as well as Commander in Chief of Nara Narayan’s Military Department. It is said that the Naval department of Chila Ray was more powerful than Moghul emperor Akbar’s Naval department in medieval period. Nara Narayan inherited the kingdom that had not a regular income basically. So Nara Narayan and Chila Ray led to Koches to continue warfare for the consolidation of the emerging state. Chila Ray had strengthened the tribal militia by introducing new techniques and modernised the various section of military department.

He divided the military department like –

  1. Standing Army
  2. Spies
  3. Navy
  4. Elephantry

Fort construction and development of transport system also included in the military department as allied services. The normal peasants and artisans of the state were also brought under the military services as sipahi or paik. Nara Narayan and his brother military chief Chila Ray decided to provide 12 bigha rent free land to peasants and professional castes like teli, mali, dhoba, kahar, sonar, patni, chamar in terms of obligatory military services as able-bodied paik or sipahi during requirements. Chila Ray strengthened his peasant infantry upto 425000 and at the same time Nara Narayan appointed some Rajput and Afgan soldiers in his militia for leading the infantry and cavalry. So Tribal militia and multiethnic militia took a major part for expanding his kingdom.

Before any warfare Chila Ray and Nara Narayan host a grand dinner for his tribal militia consisting Koch, Mech, Bhutia, Kachari and other tribes of northern bank of Brahmaputra river. With this tribal militia Chila Ray executed aggressive warfare.

War against Ahom

Viswa Singha could not get success against Ahoms rather he accepted Ahom’s authority or suzerainty at eastern part of kingdom. So he advised his sons to continue warfare against Ahoms. In 1543 AD Ahoms attacked Koch territory at Sala, southern bank of Brahmaputra. In 1546 AD Koch prince Dipsingha and two other Koch general namely Ramchandra and Hemdhar killed by Ahom. In 1547 AD Koch sent troops against Ahom but faced a heavy defeat and approximate 500 soldiers were massacred.  Both Chila Ray and Nara Narayan maintained a diplomatic relations with Ahoms. As a part of diplomatic means Nara Narayan sent a team headed by Sadananda Karjee, Rameshwar Sharma, Shyam Ray and Udbhanda Sardar to the court of Ahom king Sukampha in 1555 AD along with a letter written by old version of Kamrupi Kamtapuri language. But Ahom king Sukampha replied harshly with some instigating comments. So a serious conflict broke out between these two kingdoms.

In 1562 AD Chila Ray attacked Ahom kingdom, Tepu was his Naval commander. During battle Shukladhwaj jumped over Varali river (situated at Guwahati). For his outstanding performance Shukladhwaj got his another name or appellation “Chila Ray” or “Chilarai” – means one who can attack like a bird Chila to his enemy.

The Ahom king fled to Charai Khorang hill and after that proposed for peace with Koches by offering valuable gifts consisting 60 elephants, 4 pots of silver, 2 pots of gold and few pots of jewelleries. Nara Narayan agreed with the proposal and kept some representatives of the Ahom king as hostage. After this winning Koch king established his supremacy over the powerful rival in the eastern front and Chila Ray was the key player of this success.

War against Kachar king

After victory over the Ahoms Chila Ray and his elder brother king Nara Narayan opened a new chapter in the history of aggressive warfare. Chila Ray is now looking towards Kachar which was already occupied by Ahoms (1535 -1536 AD). With 52000 tribal militia and other commanders such as Bahubal, Bhimbal, Damodar Karjee, Rajendra Patra and Megha Makdum Chila Ray proceeded towards Maibang, the capital of Kachar. Before reaching Maibang by Koch army and halted in between place at Marangi king of Kachar sent tribute to Koches with 28 elephants, large amount of gold & silver and agreed to pay Rs. 7000/, 1000 gold coins and 60 elephants to Koch king as annual tribute for enjoying political autonomy. Nara Narayan appointed his younger brother Kamal Narayan or Gohai Kamal as Governor at Khaspur of Kachar to confirm tribute for subsequent years.

War against king of Manipur

Manipur king Ripu Singha (1561 – 1579 AD) did not resist Chila Ray’s force because he already get informed about Ahom and Kachar warfare. Ripu Singha surrendered to Koches and paid 20000 silver rupees, 1000 gold coins and 40 elephants to Koches. Besides these Nara Narayan fixed an annual tribute of Rs. 20000, 300 gold coins and 10 elephants for Manipur king which he had to pay.

War against Jayantia king

Jayantia king Barogohain (1548 – 1564 A.D.) took challenge against Chila Ray lead Koch military but killed in the battle field. Nara Narayan installed a new king named Vijay Manik (1564 – 1580 A.D.) in the throne of Jayantia who paid 1000 gold coins, 100 silver coins, 100 horses and 100 swords. Vijay Manik enjoyed political autonomy on the condition of paying annual tribute at the rate Rs. 10000, 1000 gold coins, 300 knife (nakaideo) and 70 horses to the Koch king (as per Darrang Rajbangshabali).

Tripura victory

At that time Tripura was another tribal state with considerable strength. Tripura offered a serious challenge to the Koch invasion. As per Darrang Rajbangshabali Tripura king was slain, his brother surrendered to Chila Ray lead Koch militia and paid tribute of 100 gold coins, Rs. 1000 and 30 horses with agreement of annual tribute of 9000 gold coins.

Surrender of Khairam king (Khyrim state)

Khairam (Khyrim) centered in the Khasi-Jayantia hill with its capital Nongkhreen or Nongkrem (near Shilong). The Raja (Viryavanta) of Khairam surrendered to the Koch king and submitted valuable gifts. The chief of Khairam was allowed the right of political autonomy in terms of payment of annual tribute to the Koches at the rate Rs. 15000, 50 horses, 900 gold coins and 30 elephants. He was allowed to mint coins bearing the name Nara Narayan or Malladeva.

Sylhet (Srihatta) invasion

Chila Ray further invaded Sylhet which was under the control of the Sultan of Bengal (Sulaiman Karnani) in 16th century. As Sylhet Raja Amil denied to pay tribute claimed by king Nara Narayan, force of Chila Ray attacked Sylhet. After two days of continuous battle Shukladhwaj himself join in battle with Amil and beheaded him. After seeing the condition of Amil his military forces escaped from battle field. Amil’s brother finally compelled to pay huge amount of silver rupees (Rs. 300000), gold coins, elephants and horses to the Koches. The annual tribute for Sylhet was also high.

Surrender of Dimrua king

After Sylhet victory Chila Ray and his forces backed to his kingdom. On their way back they defeated a small chiefdom named Dimrua. The Dimrua king Panteshwar was imprisoned and finally released.

Chila Ray with his tribal militia expanded the Koch territory in the east and southeast of the kigdom inherited from Viswa Singha. The total collection of wealth or indemnity was – Rs 380000, gold coins – 22100, elephants – 264, horses – 370 and other valuable goods which considerably encouraged the warfare of kingdom and bloated the treasury of the Kamta state.

Kamatapur map


Defeat of Sulaiman Karnani

Nara Narayan did not have sufficient standing army to provincialize the conquered territories. So there was a question mark of defence of the conquered territories and main aggressors were Ahoms and Bengal. On the other hand the Afghans and Moghuls of Bengal did not tolerate the emergence of tribal militia lead by commander in chief Chila Ray and king Nara Narayan at their area of proximity. Sulaiman Karnani (1565 – 1572 A.D.), the Afghan Sultan of Bengal marched towards the Kamta kingdom and reached as far as capital of Kamta but go back to his own capital at Tanda ( a village near present Malda) without any permanent political solution.

As per Koch Chronicles and genealogies, it was mentioned that Chila Ray invaded Bengal and inspite of his outstanding performance he was defeated and imprisoned by the Sultan of Bengal and eventually released. After defeat of Koches, Sultan of Bengal thought further invasion towards Tista – Brahmaputra valley. Under commandership of Kalapahar, the Sultan army invaded Brahmaputra valley and destroyed the temples Hazo and Kamakhya and returned back to Bengal without any political understandings. After some of these conflicts King Nara Narayan changed his mind from aggressive warfare to defensive one. Even Chila Ray under imprisonment in Bengal had instructed his elder brother to form alliance with Ahoms.

Maharaja Nara Narayan with the help of his younger brother Vir Chila Ray rebuilt Kamakhya temple. Initially Mahatram Vaisya who took charge for repairing the temple but due to corruption he was sacked and charge given to general Megh Makdum and completed the works. Stone idol of Vir Chila Ray and Nara Narayan still present on room of chalantamurti adjacent to temple. The shlokes (words, embossed in 1565 A.D. regarding rebuilt of Kamakhya temple) are visible on stone (left side) of the entrance of main temple –

Shlokes embossed in Kamakhya Temple

Shlokes embossed in Kamakhya temple

” Lokanugrohokaroko korunoya partho dhonurbidyoa

danenapi dodhichikornosoddrisho maryadastonidhi।

nanashastrabicharcharucharita kondorporupojjolo

Kamakhyachoronaocchoko vijyote SriMallodevo nripo।।”

Defensive warfare and alliance of Nara Narayan –
Sultan of Bengal1565  – 1568 A.D.The defeated the KochesIt broke the traditions of aggressive warfare of the Koches.
Ahom1565 – 1570 A.D.The Koches tried to friendly relation with Ahoms after defeat in BengalKoch attitude towards the Ahom became defensive.
Mughal1574  – 1587 A.D.A treaty of friendship was concluded between the Koches and the MughalBeginning of the Mughal hegemony in the Koch Kamta politics.  

Kamta kingdom became a centralised political entity without provinces and less capability of controlling the conquered territories. So segmentation of state was necessary. Kamal Narayan (Gohain Kamal) was appointed as Governor or Dheyan for taking care of the political affairs of Kachar and collecting tributes from tribal states. It was practically a independent state named as Khaspur and remained in existence till 1745 A.D.

Koch Bihar (now Cooch Behar) and Koch Hajo

Even before his death (1587 A.D.), Nara Narayan was compelled to divide the centralized kingdom into two separate branches. As per Koch chronicles it was mentioned that due to late marriage Nara Narayan was childless for a long time and Raghudev Narayan, the son of Shukladhwaj chosen as the Patkumar or heir apparent . But with the birth of Laxminarayan and being instigated by some kinsmen and bureaucrats Raghudeva decided to stay at Vijaypur Ghila (Barnagar). Raghudeva Narayan declared himself as the ruler of the eastern part of Koch Kingdom. Nara Narayan tried to conciliate him but Raghudeva was not willing to return the central capita Koch Bihar (presently Coochbehar). Considering the political situation of Tista  – Brahmaputra valley of Northeast India Nara Narayan granted him the territories and marked by Sankosh river to the west and eastern most corner in 1581 A.D. The eastern part of kingdom named as Koch Hajo and the western part or main branch of kingdom named Koch Bihar or presently Cooch Behar.

5. Chila Ray and Kamta Literature

Chila Ray was not only a warrior but also a great patron of art and literature. During reign of king Nara Narayan what the sphere of literatures created that influenced over entire Kamrup and Kachar area. Mahabharat Panchali penned by Ramsaraswati, Sabha kavi of King Nara Narayan . Chila Ray who was the main personality that encouraged Ramsaraswati to write Mahabharat Panchali. Kavi Ramsaraswati composed about Shukladhwaj –

Shukladhwaj anuj jahar yuvaraj।

Porom gohon oti odbhut kaaj।।

Teho mok bulilonto mohahorshomone।

Bharat-poyar tumi korio jotone।।

Ramsaraswati was the only poet of Kamta state of 16th century who translated all verse of Mahabharat. Besides Adiparba, Vanaparba, Vismaparba, Viratparba, Karnaparba, Udyogparba, Ashwamedhaparba, Dronaparba, Godaparba Shantiparba he composed Bhimcharita, Laxmicharita, Savitricharita, Bokashur badh, Kulachal badh, Jotashur badh, khotashur badh, jonghasur badh, Puspaharan parba, Panchali Bibaha etc.

Malla darang Rajbanshabali

Shukladhwaj darang

Manuscript- Darrang Rajbangshabali//Courtesy – Koch David Roy

Kavi Ramsaraswati also translated sanskrita version of “Gita Govinda” as “Jaydev Kavya”. From this Jaydev Kavya we could know that Vir Chila Ray composed “Note” of Gita Govinda –

Jaydev naame kavya birochilo saar।

Shukladhwaj raja tika korilonto jaar।।

The name of this “Note” that was composed by Chila Ray was “Saravati”

When great Vaishnav saint Shankardev (Preacher of Ek Sharan Nam Dharma) exiled by Ahom king, Chila Ray was the only man who gave him shelter in Koch kingdom. On request of Chila Ray, king and elder brother Nara Narayan preached Vaishnavism in Kamta state. It is said that Chila Ray after hearing Shankardev’s words “pamor mon Ramchorone deho” from his wife Kamalapriya become his disciple. Shankardev become a member of king’s court during reign of Nara Narayan. Under shelter of Chila Ray and Nara Narayan Shankardev composed so many prose and poetry on Vaishnavism. He was not only a preacher of Vaishnavism but also a dramatist, singer, poet and artist. Madhupur Satra near Cooch Behar city built by Maharaja Nara Narayan in 16th Century for Guru Shankardev.

Shankardev and his disciple Madhavdev composed “Yampuran” after receiving request from Chila Ray. He composed the popular “Bhagbad Puran” and “Gunamala” on king’s request. Shankardev’s other creations are Bhaktipradip, Bhaktiratnakar, Ojamil Upakhayan, Nammalika, Kirtanghosha, Leelamala, Chinhayatra etc.  Shankardev composed so many dramas (Natpala or Ankiya Nat) on manushibhasha or Kamtapuri language so that common people may understand inner meanings of his words. Shankardev’s famous Ankiya Nat was “Ramvijay Nat”. It is said that Vir Chila Ray built mancha or stage at Kamta court for acting of Ramvijay Nat. The others Nat of Shankardev’s are Keligopal Nat, Patniprosad Nat, Kaliyodomon Nat, Parijathoron Nat, and Ruksminihoron Nat.

In 1568 A.D. Ramvijay Nat was composed and this was Chila Ray who requested Guru Shankardev to compose this Nat for common people of Kamtapur state. In Koch Bihar every morning, Chila Ray used to have the virtuous company of Shankardev and in every evening Nara Narayan had serious discussion with him on spiritual matters and Shastras. Shankardev accepted the patronage of Vir Chila Ray or Shukladhwaj and praised in various sections of Ramvijay Nat –

“ Porom rosik guru shri Shukladhwaj” or “Shri Shukladhwaj Nripati Pradhan”।। (King Shukladhwaj, the real preceptor of the rasas)

“Ramok vijay je korabot Nat।

Milahu tahek baikunthak Baat।।“

Or “Shri Shukladhwajo nriposhreshthakarayamas natakam”।

Although Shankardev was Guru (Vaishnav disciple) of Vir Chila Ray, it was also a fact that Guru Shankardev himself inspired by the personality, sense of humour and talent of Shukladhwaj.

Chila Ray had great honour to his Guru Shankardev. When Shankardev once set out for his satra at Patabausi from Koch Bihar King Nara Narayan with generous heart gifted him clothes and money. Chila Ray on the other hand Shukladhwaj was waiting at his palace where camp house of Shankardev was situated. On meeting at camp house Chila Ray saluted his Guru and received him with great delight. Chila Ray arranged a huge boat with eighteen oars for his Guru for his return journey to Patabausi Satra (at Barpeta) upstream the river Brahmaputra. All his disciples along with Chila Ray’s wife Kamalapriya prostrated before Shankardev. After three days Shankardev reached Patabausi Satra. In “Bar Carit” (Bar Carit, Dinanath Bezbarua, Ibid, P134) mentioned below –

Katodura mane Shukladhwaja nripabare।

Sankara devaka agabarhaila sadare।।

Anukrame Gurudeva Ujane asila।

Tinidine asi Patabausi prabesila।।

Chila Ray and Pitambar Siddhantabagish (famous Court poet of Nara Narayan) was contemporary. In Markendeyo Puran, Pitambar Siddhantbagish written about Shukladhwaj in different sections – 

“Maharaj Viswa Singha Kamta Nogore taar putra bhoge tullo nahi purondore” (1st part)

“Ekdin sobhamajhe bosi yuvaraj mone alochiya kohilonto kaaj.”

Puranadi shashtre jehi rohosso achoy, pandite bujhoy matro onne na bujhoy।

Ekaron shlok bhagi sobe bujhibar, nij deshbhashabonde rochiyo poyar।

Ved pokksho baan ar shoshanko shokoto, arombho korilo Markendeyo kotha joto।। (2nd part)

As per pre-wish of Shukladhwaj, Pitambar Siddhantabagish composed this Puthi (manuscript) in 1602 A.D. after death of him.

Pitambar Siddhantabagish again wrote in 48th section –

“Kamta nogore ViswaSingha nareshwar, prochondo protap raja bhoge purandar।

Tahar tonoy sorbogune ratnakar, mohamahottor daane kormo somo nor।

Kumar somorsingha agya poromane, kohe pitambar narayan porshone।“

6. Death of Bir Chila Ray

During the second invasion of Gour, Chila Ray breathed his last in 1571 A.D. on the bank of Ganga river as he suffered from small pox. Chila Ray was the greatest warrior not only Indian history but in the world history ignored by scholars. Arnold Toynbee, the greatest International historians named three great Indian as world heroes as per Journal of Indian Airforce Anniversary, Issue – 2000. One of them was Shukladhwaj or Vir Chila Ray. Assam Government celebrates his birth anniversary in a grand way as Vir Chailaray Divas. The government also declares this day as state holiday. Since 2005 Assam government has been conferring Vir Chilaray Award, the highest honour for bravery to individuals.

7. Chila Ray Forts & Recent Incidents

Although immediate successors of Chila Ray settled in Koch Hajo (present day Assam) after throne of Maharaja Laxminarayan. But Shukladhwaj spent his times in Koch Bihar, particularly in Fulbari or Tufanganj.  Chila Ray fort (Tufanganj) and Jaldhoa fort is still present but in poor condition as neither state not central government took positive step for preservation of these heritage places. There was a fort in Chilapata forest, (near Jaldapara National Park, 20km from Alipurduar district) remaining of which is also exist present day. Some scholars say that the fort was actually built in Gupta era. But as per local people since long era, the fort in Chilapata forest actually built by Vir Chilaray to protect the capital (Kamtapur or Kamatapur) from Bhutanese invasion. For this reason the name of forest area came after the name “Chila”. Chila Ray built temple for Baro Mahadev in Barokodali and Choto Mahadev in Nakkatigach. To express my thought i gave some information on social media in 2017 after reading book The Cooch Behar State and Its Land revenue Settlements. From childhood i was aware about Chila Ray garh of Tufanganj but did not have historical information. 

Tufanganj chilarai garh

Collected from FB

Social organisation (AKRSU – All Koch Rajbongshi Student Union) AKRSU last year (February, 2020) took initiative to set up idol of Shukladhwaj at Tufanganj Chila Ray fort area with financial help of common people. But both state as well as central government is so indifferent about Kamta heritage or kamta history (particularly history of Koch Rajbanshi people) that some goons damaged the parts of that idol (See local people agitation) last month (December. 2020). Regarding Jaldhoa fort i don’t have so much information till date; land erosion may wipe out that fort. Each year GCPA (Greater Cooch Behar Peoples Association) and KPP (Kamtapur Peoples / Progressive Party) Celebrate birth anniversary (on Maghi Purnima) of Vir Chila Ray.   

8. Area of Thirst

If we see history syllabus of West Bengal secondary and higher secondary education department we could not find Kamta history since independence. Chila Ray, Nara Narayan, Raja Kanteshwar, Raja Nilambar, Gosanimari Rajpat including Kamta literature were totally locked into bookshelves. In Assam education department students even could know about Kamta history. Some research work carried out in PhD level only. Young generation will be motivated if we work on –

  1. Drama / Web series / Yatra pala on  Chilarai’s life, thought, victory, humour.
  2. Naming of university, airport and other government organisation on Chila Ray
  3. Quiz competition on Kamta History
  4. Birth and Death anniversary of  Chila Ray
  5. Club or Coaching centre’s name on Chila Ray
  6. Installation of idol at villages as well as city areas  

Watch Assamese Movie promo on Vir Chila Ray, Source: Youtube

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কি রহস্য তুফানগঞ্জে বীর চিলারায় এর মূর্তি ভাঙার পিছনে?

ঐতিহাসিক রাজসম্পদ বেদখল – তুফানগঞ্জ

বিশ্ব মহাবীর চিলা রায় ও কামতা সাম্রাজ্য।

চিলারায় গড়, স্মৃতি রোমন্থন ও কিছু তথ্য।

তুফানগঞ্জের মানষি এলাও নিন্দত আছে।

চিলা রায়ের জালধোয়া দুর্গ - Jaldhoa Fort, Tufanganj