Download - book – Essay on Koch Bodo and Dhimal tribes – BH Hodgson 1847


BH Hodgson
এই বইখানত ভাষা আর কিছু ভোকাবুলারি নিয়া ল্যাখা আছে। 1847 সালের বই। ভাষার পোথোম নামটা কি লিখিত আছে তা এই বইখান পড়িলে বুঝা যাইবে। পরবর্তীতে যদিও নানান জনে নানান নামে মত ব্যক্ত করিচেন। নিচত লেখকের ছোট্ট এখনা নোট্স তুলি ধরা হৈল্। 

B. H. HODGSON - Essay on Koch Bodo and Dhimal tribes

Darjeeling, June, 1846.

NOTE.-The great Scythic stem of the human race is divided into three primary branches, or the Tangus, the Móngol, and the Turk. The first investigators of this subject urgently insisted on the radical diversity of these three races: but the most recent inquirers more incline to unitise them.

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*I distinguish by language, and assume that wherever there is a broad spoken diversity of tongue unintelligible to neighbours, there is distinct people. The value of these spoken diversities will be hereafter determined as one general result of the inquiry on foot. 

† Mongolian ? potius Scythic.-See the appended note on the subject.
When I went to England in 1844, I possessed vocabularies of all the languages and dialects of Nepal : but these, with many other valuable papers,
were lost owing to circumstances I need not dwell on. I have recovered some fragments, and am reconstructing the vocabularies of these dialects
upon the plan above delineated.