Thesis – The social life of Tista based Rajbanshi community as reflected in Debesh Roy book- 2013

tista based rajbanshi debesh

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CHAPTER-1 P-4 — 28

Jalpaiguri episode in Debesh Roy’s life and an account of his works on Tista based Rajbangshi community.

CHAPTER-2 P-29 — 60

Geographical perspective, demography and caste formation of Tista based Rajbangshis as reflected in Debesh Roy’s literature.

2.1 Geographical condition P-29

2.2 The Demographic Composition of the Tista Valley P-42

2.3 Cast formation of the Rajbanshi community P-53

CHAPTER-3 P-61 —121

A discourse on the lifestyle of Tista-based Rajbangshis as reflected in

Debesh Roy’s literature.

3.1 Food habit and cuisine P-61

3.2 Dress -costumes, and ornaments P-73

3.3 Tools and apparatus P-83

3.4 House building and va^w-tradition P-99

CHAPTER-4 P-122 — 152

Socio-Religious Celebration of Tista-based Rajbangshis as reflected in

Debesh Roy’s literature.

4.1 Social Rites and Practices P-123

4.2 Religious practice and festivities P-135

CHAPTER-5 P-153 — 212

Socio-cultural Aspects of Tista-based Rajbangshis as reflected in

Debesh Roy’s literature.

5.1 Language and Literature P-154

5.2 Folk Culture P-193

CHAPTER-6 P-213 — 218

Conclusion P-213 BIBLIOGRAPHY P-219 — 224
