This thesis was submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD.) in History under the University of North Bengal by Dr. Madhab Chandra Adhikary in 2009.
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CHAPTER -I :Introduction: A Geographical Landscape of North-East India …………………………………. 1-32
CHAPTER -II : Environments and Character of the North -Eastern Rajbanshis along with Nepal and Bangladesh … 33-56
CHAPTER -III : Historical and Ethnological Data of the Rajbanshis ……………………………………… 57-86
CHAPTER -IV : Traditional Socio- Economic Status of the Rajbanshis: A Contemporary Historical Perspective …………….. · …………………….. 87-136
CHAPTER-V : Linguistic Question : A Cultural Resurgence ………………………………….. 137-158
CHAPTER-VI : Emergence and Growth of Social Movements ………………………………….. 159-222
CHAPTER -VII: Emergence and Growth of Political Movement : A Regional Polity and their Associations …… 223-302
CHAPTER-Vill: Origin of Identity Crisis: Response and Reaction among the Rajbanshis in all Indian Perspective ………………………………….. 303-344
CHAPTER -IX : Conclusion …………………………………. 345-363
APPENDIX ……………………………………………………… 364-405
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………….. 406-447