Thesis – Ethno Cultural Identity crisis – Rajbanshi – Madhab Ch Adhikary 2009

rajbanshi cultural identity crisis

This thesis was submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD.) in History under the University of North Bengal  by Dr. Madhab Chandra Adhikary in 2009.

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CHAPTER -I :Introduction: A Geographical Landscape of North-East India …………………………………. 1-32

CHAPTER -II : Environments and Character of the North -Eastern Rajbanshis along with Nepal and Bangladesh … 33-56

CHAPTER -III : Historical and Ethnological Data of the Rajbanshis ……………………………………… 57-86

CHAPTER -IV : Traditional Socio- Economic Status of the Rajbanshis: A Contemporary Historical Perspective …………….. · …………………….. 87-136

CHAPTER-V : Linguistic Question : A Cultural Resurgence ………………………………….. 137-158

CHAPTER-VI : Emergence and Growth of Social Movements ………………………………….. 159-222

CHAPTER -VII: Emergence and Growth of Political Movement : A Regional Polity and their Associations …… 223-302

CHAPTER-Vill: Origin of Identity Crisis: Response and Reaction among the Rajbanshis in all Indian Perspective ………………………………….. 303-344

CHAPTER -IX : Conclusion …………………………………. 345-363

APPENDIX ……………………………………………………… 364-405

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………….. 406-447

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